How Do I Prepare for a Home Visit?

You have just had a baby. You’ve always known you would breastfeed, or you thought you’d just give it a try, but things are not going well. Perhaps your nipples are sore. Or you’re struggling with engorgement. Maybe you’re worried about milk supply. Or your baby has hard time latching. Or maybe you just have a lot of questions. In any case, you and your healthcare provider have decided you need the help of an expert. It’s time to call an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant!

You’re happy to hear that the lactation consultant (IBCLC) whom your doctor (or best friend or recommends will come to your home to help you. You make an appointment with the consultant, and then wonder…”What should I do to prepare for her visit?”

Before we talk about what you can do in advance of the visit, here’s what I do not want you to do: Clean your house, shower, put on nice clothes/makeup, or stress out! Now for how to prepare:

  • This may seem obvious, but in order to help you, I must be able to see your baby breastfeed. I usually recommend that you plan a feeding time close to the middle of my visit. That way, if your baby wants to eat earlier or later than expected, there is still plenty of time to work around it. On the other hand, please do not pump immediately before my arrival.

  • If you have been partially bottle feeding or using some artificial baby milk (ABM), record the amounts the baby has been taking for 24 hours or so before the visit. It’s really helpful to know the daily tallies of ABM and/or pumped milk, especially if you are concerned about inadequate milk production.

  • Think about where you want the consultation to take place. If you usually nurse in bed, for instance, that is where I will help you. Most lactation consultants have no problem climbing on the bed with you to give you the help you need.

  • Be aware that the IBCLC may suggest a different chair or a different configuration of pillows. This doesn’t mean that you have been doing something “wrong;” it simply means she wants you to be more comfortable.

  • It’s a good idea to arrange for a helper to entertain your older children and your pets. You will want to concentrate on the task at hand without distractions. I love animals! However, if your pets are climbing all over us, I can’t give my full attention to you and your baby.

  • Make a list of questions. At the end of the consultation, look over your list to make sure your questions have been answered. Remember that you can always call or email as other questions come up.

  • If you have been using a breast pump, make sure it’s handy and the kit is clean and ready to go.

  • Do you want your partner to participate? What about your mother or other helpers? Whatever you want is fine with me!

  • Your lactation consultant will ask you about your baby’s weight history. Have her/his birthweight and any subsequent weights handy.

  • If you can’t be home for the scheduled visit, try to give the IBCLC at least 24 hours notice.

  • Keep in mind that your lactation consultant is traveling to see you and is also traveling to see other clients. Please be respectful of her time and realize that she may be a few minutes early or late to your appointment.

  • And finally, if you do absolutely nothing to prepare for the home visit, it will be just fine. Those of us who routinely do home visits are a very flexible bunch. We can go with the flow. All you really need to do is be there with a baby who will be willing to eat during the visit.

Et voilá!

Ellen Schwerin

I am the founder and owner of Happy Milk Lactation Support. I am an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).

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