Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC’s videos on Natural Breastfeeding (a.k.a. Laid Back Nursing)
DIY Breastfeeding videos by the San Diego Breastfeeding Center
The Boob Group and Newbies podcasts from New Mommy Media
See below for specific videos
Stanford Medicine’s videos on maximizing milk production with hands on pumping and hand expression
Maya Bolman, IBCLC’s video on breast massage and hand expression
Getting to Know Your Baby video with Dr. Jane Heinig from the UC-Davis Human Lactation Center
Secrets of Baby Behavior from the UC-Davis Human Lactation Center
Co-Sleeping from Dr. James McKenna and the Mother-Baby Behavioral Sleep Laboratory
Baby Sleep Information Source (BASIS) in the U.K.
Understanding Infant Sleep, the First 6 Weeks, 6 Weeks to 4 Months from the San Diego Breastfeeding Center
Babywearing, holding your baby against your body while having your hands free, is always a great idea, even around home! It also can help with neck strengthening or stretching.
Advocates for Tongue Tie Education
Catherine Watson Genna, IBCLC, NY, NY
Dr. Bobby Ghaheri, Portland, OR
Dr. Lawrence Kotlow, Albany, NY
Aftercare Instructions from Drs. Sacker & Berger of Team Tongue Tie in San Diego, also see the videos on this page
See videos for Suck Training/Post-Frenotomy Exercises
San Diego Breastfeeding Center
International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, including research abstracts showing the efficacy of chiropractic care for infants, children and pregnant women
For referrals to amazing and local health and wellness providers — such as pediatrician, chiropractor, craniosacral therapist, massage therapist, naturopathic doctor, osteopathic doctor, homeopathy practitioner, doula, and midwife — contact me!